Emerald Ash Borer Treatment in Appleton, NE Wisconsin

Emerald Ash Borer has swept through Northeast Wisconsin and for many of us, it is already too late. Lowney’s Tree Service is the leading Ash Borer Treatment company in Appleton and Green Bay, with a record of success and two expert Emerald Ash Borer inspectors and injectors. 

Lowney’s Tree Service will be very honest with you about the situation with your Emerald Ash Borers. We have a high percentage of success with trees if we inject before it is too late. Please note that not every company uses the same treatment service; ours is the highest quality available and virtually the only type of Emerald Ash Borer injection that has proven to work.

Emerald Ash Borer is an exotic beetle that was discovered in Southeastern Michigan near Detroit in the summer of 2002. The adult beetles nibble on ash foliage but cause little damage. It is the larvae (the immature stage) that feed on the inner bark of ash trees, disrupting the tree’s ability to transport water and nutrients and kills them.

EAB was predicted to wipe out 50% of ash trees in Wisconsin a few years ago. That number was likely very low, it appears. Don’t give up hope yet, though – call our arborists for a free analysis and estimate.

Fox Valley, Appleton & Green Bay Tree Trimming

I had concerns about my 50-year-old ash tree that had been treated by others for emerald ash borer. Both Adam (who diagnosed the problem and quoted the treatment) and Terry (who did the treatment) were prompt, on time, thorough, friendly, and wiling to look at my other trees. They are good people to deal with. I highly recommend.

FYI: Emerald Ash Borer & Firewood Regulations

Moving firewood can put the trees at your destination at risk.

Firewood can harbor many different kinds of invasive pests and diseases that are harmful to Wisconsin’s trees in both forest and urban settings. Gypsy moth, oak wilt, emerald ash borer and others hitchhike on firewood, making their way easily into previously unaffected, healthy areas. This is a serious threat to trees throughout the state. 

Although it is still legal to move firewood in certain areas, it is almost always a bad idea to do so. The one exception is Wisconsin certified firewood. Firewood from a vendor that is certified by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection has been processed to remove or destroy hitchhiking pests. The certification program is available to firewood manufacturers. Learn more about firewood certification and view a list of certified vendors.

If you have an EAB-infested tree that you would like to use as firewood, be aware that EAB can continue to emerge from the wood for two years after cutting. To avoid spreading EAB, split and leave the wood to age near where you cut the tree for two summers. After two years of drying, EAB that may have been within the wood will have emerged or died. The aged firewood poses little risk of introducing EAB and you may move it freely within the limits of the quarantine.

Ash Borer Treated vs Untreated
Ash Borer Treatment Appleton

Our Effective Ash Borer Treatments for Appleton, Green Bay, NE Wisconsin

Lowney’s Tree Service offers professional Ash Borer injection of commercial grade insecticides to protect ash trees from the invasive Emerald Ash Borer beetle. These two-year treatments have proven to be more than 90% effective at protecting the tree. Most EAB treatment companies do NOT use the high-end solutions we do.

We are committed to protecting our ash trees from the emerald ash borer. We understand the importance of these trees to our communities, and we are dedicated to helping them thrive. If you have ash trees on your property, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us today to learn more about our ash tree treatments and how we can help keep your trees healthy and beautiful for years to come.